Tuesday, December 1, 2009

3 Essential Keys to Getting Rich Online

3 Essential Keys to Getting Rich Online

- by Tony Mase
© Tony Mase - All Rights Reserved


Interestingly enough...

Over the last several years...I've been asked practically as many questions about doingbusiness online and Internet marketing as I have thewritings of Wallace D. Wattles. And...Quite frankly...
That doesn't surprise me in the least. Why?
Because nowhere is the crap piled higher than in the arenasof online business and Internet marketing...
And...You know what they say on the farm...The higher it's piled the more it smells!Or something like that anyway. :-)
Somewhere...Buried deep amidst those piles are three essential keys to getting rich online.

Essential Key #1 - Your OWN product.

Now...I'm well aware that there are all sorts of folks out there telling you that you can get rich online solely by selling other people's products as an affiliate.
That's crap!
As a matter of fact...Just take a look at the businesses of those telling you this and see how many of their own products they sell including the ebook or course you bought from them telling you how to get rich online as an affiliate and that'll tell you just about everything you need to know on the subject. :-)
Now...Can you make money as an affiliate...Big money as an affiliate? Heck yeah!

The main trouble with operating *strictly* as an affiliate is that you don't have an *asset*.
In other words...You don't *own* anything. You don't own a customer list...You don't own a product...
As a result...

You're forever at the mercy of those who do. Should they disappear...Change the deal...Or simply not pay...
Guess what?
You're @#$% out of luck!
It's that simple.

The bottom line here is that...If you want to get rich online you need your OWN product...
And not just any old product...

You need...A unique, quality product that delivers more in use value than you receive in cash value.

Essential Key #2 - An opt-in email list.

Actually...You need two of them if you want to get rich online...Regardless of whether it's with your own product or as an affiliate.
The first opt-in email list you need is a prospect list...

A list of people who are interested in your area of expertise and/or interest in general.
The second opt-in email list you need is a customer list...

A list of people who've bought your product (see Essential Key #1 above).

Essential Key #3 - Automated systems.

You need to put systems, preferably automated systems, in place to do everything from driving traffic to your website to delivering your product and handling customer service.
Why? Simple...To free up your time to create more unique, quality products that deliver more in use value than you receive in cash value.
You see...
One of the biggest mistakes people make when setting out to get rich online is trying to do it with one product...Pinning all their hopes of getting rich online solely on that one product and on that one product alone...
Most people I know who are getting rich online operate *multiple* websites offering *multiple* products to their target audience. They sell *many* products and make their money by creating multiple sources of income within their core business rather than depending on a single product to get rich online.

If you really want to get rich online...Rather than wasting your time shoveling through all the piles of crap out there looking for the "secret" to getting rich online or the "easy" way to get rich online...
In my humble opinion...Your time would be much better spent creating your first product...
A unique, quality product that delivers more in use value than you receive in cash value.
Because...That's the first essential key, and therefore the first vital step, to getting rich online!


Tony Mase is a serious student of the works of Wallace D. Wattles and the publisher of the "A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles" ebook by Wallace D. Wattles...


"A Powerful Life: The Lost Writings of Wallace D. Wattles"

"How to Get What You Want" by Wallace D. Wattles together with twenty-four other rare books and articles written by Wallace D. Wattles.
Click Here:"A Powerful Life"

1 comment:

  1. I'm not going to argue with with Mr. Mase who is a much more experienced marketeer than i'm ever goig to be, but, selling your own product is very good if, and it's a very big if, you have the necessary skills to create one, do you? i sure don't. So affiliate marketing is the best for the average guy like you and me, of course you should look for some strange and unusual product in order to have less competition.
